
Monday, 11 December 2017

How many sessions can you have open in sap?

Use transaction SM04 to determine how many sessions you are using (Sess.
column) Alternatively, enter /o in the command field

How many users are currently logged on to the system?

 Use transaction SM04 to display a user overview for one dispatcher

To display all the users in the entire system, use transaction AL08

How many dialog work processes does the system have?

Use transaction SM50 to determine the number of dialog work processes (count
the processes displayed). SM50 displays the work processes for one dispatcher.

You can display all the work processes in the entire system using transaction
SM66 (choose Process selection)

Which application server are you working on?

 Call transaction SM51 and determine the name of the instance (Server names column)

Sunday, 10 December 2017

How to tune buffers in sap?

Execute  the tcode ST02 to check the buffer utilized by the SAP system. Check for the hit ration and swap memory column. The hit ratio should be more than 98% and swap memory should not have been used, if used little bit. If more swap memory has been used, check for the which Buffer the swap memory has been used, double click it on the specified buffer

Click on the current parameters for the buffer selected by you. This will display the parameters to be tuned for the specified buffer. Increase the value through RZ10 (Profile Maintenance). After increasing the size restart the server.

How do I know how much memory is allocated to SAP?

How do I know how much memory is allocated to SAP?
Execute the tcode OS06 and the following screen will display the allocated memory status